Well, lets. There is no doubt that Facebook has embedded itself in our day to day lives. From a social network to a social status in a heart beat. The more friends you have the better (it really doesn't matter if they are really your friends). Not only you are a cool dud (or what ever the phrase is today) you can actually make money. Advertising agencies understood a long time ago that Facebook is a potential gold mine and started using the social networks as another form of media. It's actually the first time everyone profits: the client has his word out to his target market, the agency of course and the people on Facebook who either make money or get presents and discounts. It's not that I think everything is perfect all of a sudden, but I do like advertising in the 21st century. More "personal" more one on one, more creative thoughts and solutions, so "I think this is a beginning of a beautiful friendship" between advertiser and client.
So in conclusion I will end with the words of someone on Facebook, but with a twist:
A pink world you purchase though red eyes

So in conclusion I will end with the words of someone on Facebook, but with a twist:
A pink world you purchase though red eyes

גדול ,אני חושבת שאתה יכולת להיות מרצה לפילוסופיה ובטח היית סוחף את כל הסטודנטים,איזו ראיה חדה!אני בכל אופן פריק של הבלוג שלך.