Friday, December 3, 2010

Talk is cheap

We are now in the midst of one of the worst disasters Israel has ever known. It's a disaster from many points of view. It's a disaster loosing 44 people (and it doesn't matter if they are just travelers or were on the their way to help others). It's a disaster loosing one of the most beautiful places in Israel that will take more than a generation to recover. It's a disaster loosing so many defenseless animals. It's a disaster that we never learn. But the biggest disaster I think, is the hate and stupidity that finds there way to us trough talk-backs. How come disasters bring out the best in some but the worst in others. Why do some people think disasters are the right time to lash out at others (blame or not)? Haven't we learned anything? After seven wars (not including getting bombarded by Irak), endless battles, hundreds of terrorist acts, thousands of dead and tens of thousands wounded. I guess we didn't. I believe (and maybe I am over reacting, but I don't believe I am) talk-backs are the mirror of our society and the image reflecting from it, is not a pretty one.
So please, no talk-back here this time


  1. צודק בכל מילה. הנחמה היחידה היא לראות את כל המתנדבים והאזרחים שמיד הזמינו את כל אלה שפונו, אליהם הביתה. זו ישראל היפה ולא המפטפטים על המסך.


great minds?

Hey long time... But still