Are you sure you want to navigate out of this window? Are you sure you don't want to save this document? Are you sure... every where we go (online that is) at work or sometimes at home, whether it is private or business, interesting or boring, every time we want to leave or do something else we get this message, are you sure. What if life was more Matrix like and we were able to decide we would like to receive this kind of massage before every life changing act? Now, I am not talking about the times we do something stupid and wish that we had an undo button. Think about it! You are standing at the alter about to say yes to your future lifetime wife and right then up pops a message: Are you sure you want to do this? Or... you are thinking of "stealing" the orange in the traffic light? Are you sure you want to do this. This would be fun wouldn't it? But then I thought of the opposite case. Take a situation for example in which your boss is telling you how good you are and how important to the company you are and right when he says he is going to give you a big raise, he will get the message:
Are you sure you want to do this? Well, I will let you think about it for a while before I finish writing this post, because I am sure that right at the end of it I will get a message: Are you sure you want to save this? Hmmm
בחלק מהמקרים אפשר גם להוסיף לנו בחיים את: אודות
זה יכל לחסוך הרבה טעויות... :-)
חה חה חה!
ReplyDeleteכל כך נכון וכל כך מצחיק כל ההודעות אזהרה האלה. חבל באמת שאין בחיים אפשרות לעשות "צעד אחורה"
מה שכן, לא יזיק בכלל אם אנשים יאמצו את שאלת האזהרה "האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה לעשות את זה"
כך ההחלטות שיקבלו אנשים בחיים יותר שקולות, זה בטוח היה מונע הרבה רוע ותאונות דרכים..
נקודה למחשבה... :)
A great great post! and I am taking Carma's advise and starting right now... am I sure I want to eat the frozen yogurt which I just bought with halva and ginger? hmmm YES I DO!
ReplyDeleteYou are getting better my friend.
ReplyDeleteThis one is a smart one.
I need this Red light button at least 3 time A day.
Great post.
האם אני בטוחה שאני רוצה להגיב?? אתה רואה זה כבר השפיע עלי. גדול!!!