Sunday, December 19, 2010

Getting off - online

How does one go about marketing herself/himself in the field of online sex? Coming from the world of advertising and moving strait into the world of online sex made it clear for me that basically, it isn't that different. Of course there are some differences, but the bottom line is the same: selling a specific product to a specific audience (whether it is a wide or narrow one). Yet, there is a major deference here. In this case the product can literally speak for itself. You basically have a product that keeps marketing itself while "being consumed" by its user/consumer. It's like maybe a book, which previews banners while you are reading it or cheese that while you are eating it you hear a jingle advertising the cheese itself (wow I think I just came up with a great idea).
Like in "mainstream" advertising, here too the better and nicer the package, the more likely the product will be more successful. But still, we can't change the package from time to time and we can't refresh the logo or add ingredients to better the taste. So how does one go about making sure she/he stays ahead of the game and become the leading "product"? Well...that is for me to know and you to find out. You don't expect me to spoon feed you, right?
If I do, I'll be out of a job


  1. I guess in your field some DO expect you to spoon feed them - naked and in front of the webcam

  2. send me an example my friend, than i will be able tell you how....

  3. שמור ,שמור על הסודות שלך. הם יותר מידי מוצלחים בשביל שכל אחד ידע אותם!!!


great minds?

Hey long time... But still