Monday, November 9, 2020

Houston we have a problem


I have watched The Social Dilemma. I think it was my social duty. Not that anything really took me by surprise there, but still it got me thinking about the social part. It's been 8 months since Covid 19 entered our lives. We have gone through epidemics before (and still do) Aids, Sars, etc, and some that are still with us and will probably be for a long time such as Cancer and heart diseases. But the one thing different is the social effect. True, Aids had a massive social effect but still, it was different.

I am not talking about the after-effects. As an optimist, I believe that we will look back at all this like any other major bump on the way. But, the effects we are experiencing now are pretty heavy. As a social person, I feel the past 8 months (on and off) were to me as a life sentence. Closed most of the time between 4 walls, no parties, no restaurants, no traveling whatsoever, no sitting with friends in coffee shops... all we got left are our social networks (and Netflix of course).

As someone who's living by myself, it has been an experience. If at first, we thought we knew ourselves, we now had the dubious opportunity to enjoy our own company. Or maybe even see ourselves as other people see us, and hopefully, like what we see.

Well, I do like what I see (so far), but I am not going to tell you we are going to get out stronger than we went in. Because we simply don't know. And even as an optimist, we did lose an entire social year.

So I think the real social dilemma or question is:

Is online social really social? 

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great minds?

Hey long time... But still