Thursday, December 24, 2020
Why did the headless chicken cross the road?
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
If everyone thinks outside... what's left in the box?
Monday, November 9, 2020
Houston we have a problem
I have watched The Social Dilemma. I think it was my social duty. Not that anything really took me by surprise there, but still it got me thinking about the social part. It's been 8 months since Covid 19 entered our lives. We have gone through epidemics before (and still do) Aids, Sars, etc, and some that are still with us and will probably be for a long time such as Cancer and heart diseases. But the one thing different is the social effect. True, Aids had a massive social effect but still, it was different.
I am not talking about the after-effects. As an optimist, I believe that we will look back at all this like any other major bump on the way. But, the effects we are experiencing now are pretty heavy. As a social person, I feel the past 8 months (on and off) were to me as a life sentence. Closed most of the time between 4 walls, no parties, no restaurants, no traveling whatsoever, no sitting with friends in coffee shops... all we got left are our social networks (and Netflix of course).
As someone who's living by myself, it has been an experience. If at first, we thought we knew ourselves, we now had the dubious opportunity to enjoy our own company. Or maybe even see ourselves as other people see us, and hopefully, like what we see.
Well, I do like what I see (so far), but I am not going to tell you we are going to get out stronger than we went in. Because we simply don't know. And even as an optimist, we did lose an entire social year.
So I think the real social dilemma or question is:
Is online social really social?
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Sunday, May 3, 2020
I'm positive (not the virus)
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Bored James Bored
This new agent has, like his predecessors, a license to kill, and he doesn't care who his victims are or where they're from.
0019 is much more effective than the rest of the 00's and even 007. It took him less than two months to shut down the entire world. No planes, trains, cars or even people can move around freely when he 's around. Unlike 007, no one knows who he really is, there is a picture, but that too is inconclusive.
All around the world governments are trying very hard to get rid of him or at the very least find something that can stand up to him or even slow him down.
A main difference from 007 has been found, which is his affection to older women (or men), instead of the usual 00's style. This discovery convinced few world leaders to look at these "targets" as expendable. By doing so they thought it will help them deal with rest of us faster. But 0019 as we mentioned before doesn't care who he hurts, so... he's now killing people of all ages.
It also seems that 0019 is killing aimlessly but when looking carefully at his destruction path one can notice that what he really aims for, is to domesticate us animals, a fact that will cause a few raised eyebrows with those who believe in conspiracy theories.
Whatever his aim is, I think we better stay off his path if possible. Maybe some time home, apart from the rest of society and especially apart from nature is all we need to get our humanity back.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Anti virus
But flew or not, I am waiting to for the first zombie to pop up. I believe that till the first one appears, there is no real reason to get paranoid. Especially for us Israelis, which are used to many things that try to kill us on a daily basis, so one more is not that threatening.
Plus, we have Check-point, which will probably provide the world with its first anti virus for zombies, or at least for the Corona virus or Covid-19 as it is now called.
Think of this:
Zombies usually come in groups (you can see them coming), and walk pretty slow. In addition, you can use a shotgun and fire straight to their faces it usually does the trick. So even if there is no anti virus yet you most probably be fine. But still, self isolation will do the job as well.
So... I will leave you with this famous quote: "For god's sake, stop that whining!"
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Is prevention the answer
Kippur day is of course a burned memory in the collective minds of all Israelis. But it is also a unique day that allow kids to run wild and...
Next week I am going to give a lecture about branding and the relationship between the client and the advertising agency, to a bunch of regi...
Crazy, the world is going crazy. Every month there is a new craze on youtube. First (well the first famous one) came the Flash Mob after tha...