Friday, May 27, 2011

And the cactus goes to..

Before this week come to an end I thought I'd tell you about the last Golden Cactus awards. On Wednesday morning we all arrived at the Hilton Tel Aviv where the award ceremony was about to take place. As always it started with a gallery displaying both print ads and outdoors advertising followed by a typical events breakfast.
As always there where lecturers and speakers and of course the award ceremony itself (with brunch in the middle). The thing is though, that as always, it was boring. This event holds in it the best creative minds in the industry, with a combined production capabilities and creative experience of at least 100 years, and yet as always it's one of the most boring and dry events you can imagine. Still, as always, it was fun to meet all your friend and see who moved where and who did what.
But those of us who remember the Adeaters nights that were held at the trendiest clubs in Tel Aviv, know that there is a another way and for you youngsters...

Anyways...congratulation to all the winners, who proves once again there is good advertising here, if you know where to look


  1. צודק. צריך לדעת לאן להסתכל וזה לאלבום העבודות שלך!

  2. זה משעמם כי למעשה הם לא ממש מוכרים משהו.. ולכאורה לא צריכים לעשות פי אר.
    כשאני נזכרת בימים שבהם עבדתי בפרטנר, ורצו למכור גם לעובדים את החברה סטייל "יש את הירוקים ויש את חיל האויר"...וזה עבד!!


great minds?

Hey long time... But still