Sunday, February 6, 2011

What if God was one of us?

As usual, the most exciting, innovative and new things I hear about, come from my nephew (Ace, by name and by everything else). The PoLOC project is the latest thing I have learned about from him (and which was created by him). Somehow this thing left me completely gobsmacked. There are of course endless new ideas, some better than others, but what I loved about this one is the thought behind the concept. It is like The PoLOC project was meant for art but created by a philosopher. This is the ultimate art tool for the masses, with the sky as there infinite canvas. But on the other hand it is also a statement (at least I think so) that the earth is basically a huge canvas on which god or whoever created his/her masterpiece. I think the biggest issue here is the fact that in this project, art is being formed by the most basic tool - you. This is a form of creation in the deeper sense of the word that allows people to create, interact and change art as we call it and transform it into something bigger, something more accessible and the most important thing now... Share!


1 comment:

great minds?

Hey long time... But still