Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Get ready for the future

Everything is now HD. If it's not HD it's well... SD which means standard. Of course HD is basically just trying it's best to imitate life or better yet improve it, but look at us. Not long ago the Japanese have invented HD vision for normal people, so i guess that means that so far, we are all just HD ready. Now HD ready is just not good enough these days. HD ready means you can accept the stuff HD has, but still you don't have it in you. Close but no cigar.
Now, as HD ready people I believe we are entitled to better quality content in our lives, You know, better everything. If we don't have it like the Full HD people, we at least deserve it, we are ready after all. I think in the near future the content will be what differentiate us all. No longer will we be judged by our color or ethnicity but by the "quality" of our content. The better the picture and sound quality the better. In this future HD people will most probably earn more money than HD ready people and of course more than SD people. For most of us HD ready people it will be very hard getting our hand on the same content the HD people will take for granted, I guess it will be hard for us middle class people. Come to think about it, nothing is going to change.
If you are born HD ready most likely you will die HD ready.


  1. אני לא יודעת אם כולם hd כל מה שאני יודעת זה שאני tb ואם אתם לא יודעים אז זה:the best ,ובכלל הרי סוףהעולם בעוד שנה אז מה ההתלבטויות בכלל?!


great minds?

Hey long time... But still