Saturday, January 1, 2011

Denial is not just a river in Eygpt

Last night as we all know was St. Silvester (may he burn in Hell if there is one) and we all think like a month before about what are we going to do in this glorious night. Are we going out to a party? Are we going to a good restaurant? Or are we just meeting friends? I think It's not even legal to contemplate about staying in. But lets for a second break it down. It's Friday night (which normally you hate going out unless you are younger than 20), every where is at least double the price and packed plus it just started to rain. So... what are the alternatives? Take away from a fine restaurant, a good movie and good company.
OK the kids are a sleep I got some really fine cuisine and a promising comedy on DVD. The food was great, but now after, is seams so quiet and relaxed that you lost the company you had and just stayed by yourself with the movie. 30 minutes later you realize the film is SHIT, but hey... it's already past midnight so who cares? It's not like I missed anything.
I think the new year 1.1.2011 is a great reason to go out, don't you?
Now what are we going to do today


  1. Well, there is at least one guy, In Alexandria Egypt in fact, who knew damn well what he was going to do last night on New Years Eve. In the name of Islam he went and blew up a car bomb in front of a church and killed 21 would-be Christian worshippers, and injured scores more. Happy New Year to you too......Muslim. Talk about "denial"

  2. זו הדרך. היום זה היום וזה הכי חשובכי יש המון מה לחגוג ולא צריך בשביל זה איזה שם משונה של איזה קדוש שלא קיים בכלל.


great minds?

Hey long time... But still