On Thursday I saw the talked about movie "The social network", I must admit I was positively surprised. The movie was well made. Great unknown cast (well except J.T maybe) the story is obviously great and even the music worked. It's seldom that a movie sticks with me for more than a day, but this one still does. I admit, the man is an amazing genius and even though he may or may not come up with the idea by himself (i.e Bill Gates) he still created a world changing platform, but... at what cost? The thing that still puzzles me is the fact that he started this as a social thing in which he could basically get some sort of a social life and maybe his girl back in the process (the one he so vividly dist' on his blog). So why the hell and for what reason did he have to fuck his best and only friend.
The same friend who gave him the algorithm for his first site, the only one who put out with his bullshit the all time, the one who believed in him and the one who financed the all thing to begin with.
Well... I think if he is such a genius let him try and explain this, if not to me at least to the world. Because if money is not the object, and friends aren't defiantly it, what is it then...boredom
The same friend who gave him the algorithm for his first site, the only one who put out with his bullshit the all time, the one who believed in him and the one who financed the all thing to begin with.
Well... I think if he is such a genius let him try and explain this, if not to me at least to the world. Because if money is not the object, and friends aren't defiantly it, what is it then...boredom

זה הרי ברור שיש שם בעיה התנהגותית כלשהי ובעקבותיה אי יכולת לתפקד חברתית נורמטיבית ולכן העובדה שחבר שלו התקבל לאחווה היתה אכן בעייתית מצדו...
ReplyDeleteמדובר ב-facebok די מסכן והחבר החתיך שלו (בוי איי) לפחות עשה אחלה כסף.
איזה נודניקים, למה אתם צריכים להרוס לי את הסרט, מעניין מה יהיה הסוף....
ReplyDeleteבסוף הוא מחליט שלא להעלות את פייסבוק לאוויר, ונשארים רק עם טוויטר ומייספייס
ReplyDeleteלא כל אחד יכול להיות חבר וכנראה זו הבעיה הכי גדולה שלו. אולי יש לו המון כסף אבל בסופו של דבר בדידות היא דבר איום ונורא. רק אחרי זמן מבינים זאת. עוד לא ראיתי את הסרט ואני בודאי אלך לראות