Like every year on this day we hear music, watch movies and listen to stories about one of humanity's darkest hour. This year a new way of story telling come to life (pun intended) on instagram.
We all know what stories on instagram are. But never before as it been used this way.
"eva.stories", a diary of a young Jewish girl's life during the Holocaust turned vividly into instagram stories which were uploaded as they would have in real time.
Now watching these kind of stories is always difficult and sad but seeing it on one of today's form of media while being a dad to a 14 year old girl, made it the hardest of all. The "eva.stories" production on instagram was to me, the most genius, important, accurately targeted and hardest to watch, but most of all extremely important.
I hope it will be the first of many ways in which we can continue telling stories (especially as important as this one) but also keep changing and adapting the way we tell them.

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