Monday, September 17, 2018

The ultimate vacation - life

I've decided long ago that my life will be all about traveling. Not for work, not as a travel agent or something of a sort... Whatever I do will be means to an end, and the end will be the next trip.
The big question is: work hard and get paid or work less hard and get less paid.
We all know one needs money to travel and enjoy life, but a part of enjoying life is not working hard, isn't it? So where do we draw the line? What is the balance between not working hard but still earning enough money to travel? And what is enough?
I'm still not sure and questioning myself often. I think this is one of the most difficult questions to answer, for me at least. What is the balance? Not only between money and the amount of work. But the balance between being happy at work and being happy traveling. You probably think, "rich man's problems" right? But, it's not. It's an existential question not less. It's the way you choose to live your life without compromising on what makes you tick.

1 comment:

  1. לעבוד מעט, להרוויח הרבה. ותודיע לי איפה אפשר :)


great minds?

Hey long time... But still