Monday, June 21, 2010

You can take it to the bank

Just when I thought customer service in Israel has improved a tiny bit, it hit me right in the face. This morning I went to the bank for what seemingly was a simple request. All I needed is a letter proving I am the rightful owner of my account. That means an easy to fill out form, that has my name and I.D. number plus my bank account number with the signature of the bank at the bottom. Well... it was even easier than I thought, but also MORE EXPENSIVE. Why for god's sake should I have to pay, in my bank, at my branch, with my money 42 NIS for this silly note.
Of course after a bit of unnecessary and wasted 15 minutes of nerves I didn't pay a cent,
but the real question here is why? Why did we have to waste our time, when clearly we didn't have to. Isn't that the core of customer service, solving problems before they occur


  1. המטפלת החדשה של אריאל אמרה שהיא ויתרה על שירותי הבנק ומחזיקה את הכסף בבית...
    בפעם הבאה: הכתובת של המטפלת

  2. כל מה שיש לי לאמר הוא: הצחקת אותי" אם יש דבר שיכול להוציא אותך משלוותך זה השרות ולא רק בבנק וזה בלי להזכיר את הסונטות והקונצרטים שאתה שומע כשאתה מחכה,לשןא, להגיע למי שאתה צריך.


great minds?

Hey long time... But still