When you take the German word ZIMMER to it's original meaning: A small room with shower and toilets (nothing that even resembles vacation is mentioned in the word's interpretation) it makes you wonder, when did we embrace this German word and topped it with our need to relax and spend money. Every week you hear of a new word that the Hebrew Language Academy comes up with, why not for Zimmer.
We just came back from five days in one of these Zimmers up north and the one thing you can not call it, is: A small room with shower and toilets. Nowadays Zimmers are equipped with much more. You have a nice BIG room, usually made of wood (because we are in the snowy mountains of Europe) a giant jacuzzi, a small but nice kitchenette and of course an LCD screen with a surround sound system. Oh yes even a nice pool. So I guess since we are no longer living in Nazi Germany we can enjoy a nice Zimmer even without dreaming we are in beautiful Germany and spend a lot of money while doing so, as long as we don't get there by train
We just came back from five days in one of these Zimmers up north and the one thing you can not call it, is: A small room with shower and toilets. Nowadays Zimmers are equipped with much more. You have a nice BIG room, usually made of wood (because we are in the snowy mountains of Europe) a giant jacuzzi, a small but nice kitchenette and of course an LCD screen with a surround sound system. Oh yes even a nice pool. So I guess since we are no longer living in Nazi Germany we can enjoy a nice Zimmer even without dreaming we are in beautiful Germany and spend a lot of money while doing so, as long as we don't get there by train